Hello There & Welcome

My photo
This blog reveals stories and imagery from our professional work and personal adventures. We are creative portrait and destination wedding photographers that live, work and play on the west coast of the US of A. We also run an award winning graphic design studio. But more than that, we’re a young abstract family trying to live this life to its absolute fullest. As you look through some of the blog entries below you will get a good feel for what makes us tick, and you’ll be introduced to some of our latest design and photo projects. Check back often for updates, and if you see something you like don’t be afraid to leave a comment.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Alright folks, I finally have everything officially ready to go for my biz (well at least in my head). I "legitimately" launched my design and photo biz back in Jan and things are a-rocking! 2007 taxes are good to go (one of my arms and a leg will be mailed to the feds on April 15th:), my 2008 bookkeeping will be overly organized, and I have all of my websites in working order. If you go to www.garyachristenson.com you will see that I basically have 3 websites...to separate everything out. I have one for Graphic Design, the middle is a Blog (for updates on life and work), and lastly I have a new Photography site that's strictly devoted to my photo biz.

Let us pause for a second and take a look at my life right now.
Here's the quick rundown:
1) Married for 19 months, 2) work part-time at antioch as their Creative Arts Director, 3) run my own businesses (Graphic Design & Photography) in a different office across town, 4) helping launch a non-profit organization 5) just started a business venture with some friends - forming a Media Group - website is still under construction (it's a one stop shop for all things media (audio, video, web, photo, graphics, production...)) Sometimes I hate being an entrepreneur! And I still find time to have fun and travel! What a life...at least it's fulfilling :) Even if my bank account doesn't show so... Life is good my friends!


Jenna Strubhar said...

Gary! We love the new site update. Our favorite is your awesome new portrait of you on your sweet Mac.

I won't be able to come down next weekend with Nathan. I have 2 weddings. So tell Courtney hey for me! Talk to you guys soon!

Jonathan said...

I like the stuff you do man. It's always killer - ha, I feel like I need to hurry and get married just so I can hire you to shoot it. Just kidding on that one.

An editing note: on the FAQs section of your photography page in the "Do you use photography assistants?" section you used angels when I'm assuming you wanted angles. I thought you'd want to know.