Hello There & Welcome

My photo
This blog reveals stories and imagery from our professional work and personal adventures. We are creative portrait and destination wedding photographers that live, work and play on the west coast of the US of A. We also run an award winning graphic design studio. But more than that, we’re a young abstract family trying to live this life to its absolute fullest. As you look through some of the blog entries below you will get a good feel for what makes us tick, and you’ll be introduced to some of our latest design and photo projects. Check back often for updates, and if you see something you like don’t be afraid to leave a comment.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

OUR BLOG: Cleaner, Newer, Fresher

Hey all, with some down time on our hands, we cracked some serious html code and made some improvements on our blog. Here's just a few of the added features: 1) Increased the width of the blog to showcase more content, 2) Made the pictures HUGE for your viewing pleasure (you can still click on any image to view it even larger, but it's okay to be lazy every once in a while - we understand), 3) Added a sweet flash widget for Twitter (it's addicting, but man it's fun to know what friends and family are up to on a regular basis - JOIN IT), 4) We cleaned up the orange sidebar on the right for easy navigation to our website links and our older blog posts, 5) Took away that annoying Blogger Navbar, 6) We have less blog entries per page for faster loading - so to see older content on other pages, simply scroll down to the end of this page and click "Older Posts" 7) And we added a Welcome Message to introduce people to the blog and why it's important to us. In all, I like the changes and think it makes it more functional and efficient... which fits my personality to a "T" - I come across as a low key guy, but really I'm as high strung as the "Highest Octave G String" on a 12 string guitar :)


Erin said...

Two words:


nicole aka gidget said...

Looks great!

Liza on Maui said...

I am so enjoying your blog! Improvements are very helpful - great job!
