Hello There & Welcome

My photo
This blog reveals stories and imagery from our professional work and personal adventures. We are creative portrait and destination wedding photographers that live, work and play on the west coast of the US of A. We also run an award winning graphic design studio. But more than that, we’re a young abstract family trying to live this life to its absolute fullest. As you look through some of the blog entries below you will get a good feel for what makes us tick, and you’ll be introduced to some of our latest design and photo projects. Check back often for updates, and if you see something you like don’t be afraid to leave a comment.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

It's ALMOST Baby Time

Well folks, the time for babies has arrived. We're expected to have Joelle in our arms within the next week (via c-section)... maybe even tomorrow! Courtney is just 2 days shy of 37 weeks, so Joelle is pretty much "full term"... so we're sittin' good. We went in for a scheduled "version" today (where they try and turn the baby - b/c she's been breech), and we found out that Court's amniotic fluid level is really low. So they kept us in the hospital for most of the day monitoring [MY] two girls. Everything is fine, baby Joelle is stoked inside the belly! She's perfectly healthy and already a solid 6lbs 3oz, and Courtney is feeling fabulous! The doctor let us leave for the night and we'll check back in tomorrow morning to see where the fluid levels are at. If they are lower than todays levels, they'll pull Joelle out tomorrow (CRAZY! We can't fathom being parents tomorrow), but if the fluid levels increase, we'll wait until next week and go with the scheduled c-section. At this point, we're pretty dialed into a c-section... which we've come to grips with... either way, we're ganna have a baby soon and that gets us excited (and nervous). Keep checking back to THIS BLOG for updates!!! We'll keep you posted on every tasty little detail.

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